Category: Ukraine

The Game Changer that Wasn’t – The Downing of MH-17

One month ago, Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 was shot down in Ukraine in an event described as a game changer for the insurgency. Many pundits felt that “Russia” or “Putin” would have to de-escalate the crisis and back away from supporting the insurgency. A month later we can say that the game changer was clearly nothing of the sort and it isn’t hard to see why.

The Ukraine Crisis – how to explain European indecisiveness

In the past months the European Union has once again displayed an inability to make decisive decisions or take action in response to a political crisis. Jan Philip Mairhoefer in this article examines how this indecisiveness can be explained and how it affects the European Union and its member states.

Lessons from the Ukraine Crisis (and why they will not be learned)

Conventional wisdom suggests that economic interdependence between the great powers reduces conflict. Whilst the general argument makes sense, recent Russian actions in Ukraine highlight how genuine economic interdependence is, much like nuclear weapons, hard to apply in a deterrent strategy. Dr. Simon Leitch, Alochonaa’s Editor in Chief for Foreign Policy and International Affairs, argues that, the rise of the economic interdependence between strategic rivals like Russia and NATO, or China and some of its neighbors, will complicate deterrent strategies, perhaps even to the advantage of the aggressor.