Tag: US

America’s holy alliance is ripping apart at the seams

Do changing societal norms and values minimse the influence religion has on US politics? Research fellow, Joseph Larson, looks at the contemporary relationship between political christianity in the US under the broader context of a growing progressive and liberal base. It does beg the question: can religion be a unifying force across politics, or will it remain divisive in secular America? Read Larson’s post to find out.

The Game Changer that Wasn’t – The Downing of MH-17

One month ago, Malaysia Airlines flight MH-17 was shot down in Ukraine in an event described as a game changer for the insurgency. Many pundits felt that “Russia” or “Putin” would have to de-escalate the crisis and back away from supporting the insurgency. A month later we can say that the game changer was clearly nothing of the sort and it isn’t hard to see why.

Monroe Doctrine, Misunderstood and Misused

Contrary to the popular perception, Shafiqur Rahman argues that the Monroe Doctrine, a foreign policy framework pursued by the US president James Monroe, was not an imperialistic proclamation asserting dominance in the near neighbourhood. In his view, it was an anti-colonial and pro-liberty declaration by a newly independent and sympathetic America. A brief look at the doctrine’s history and motivation will be interesting to all international affairs enthusiasts.